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How to solve the problem of overflow in injection molds during processing?


Author: MULAN -Plastic Molding Manufacturer

First, we need to know that flash, also known as overflow and flash, usually occurs at the opening and closing of the mold. For example, the parting surface of the mold, the clearance of the insert, the hole of the ejector, etc. If the overflow cannot be eliminated in time, it will cause partial collapse or even damage of the injection mold.

In addition, the gap between the blades and the overflow of the ejector pin hole will cause the finished product to stick to the mold, which will affect the demoulding process. Factors leading to injection mold overflow: ① Improper adjustment of the clamping device of the injection molding machine or improper toggle mechanism will cause the mold to fail to achieve the required parallelism, resulting in a tight seal on one side of the mold and a firm seal on the other side. It is easy to overflow in the process. ② The parallelism of the injection molding machine itself is problematic, and the uneven distribution of the tie rods will also cause the mold to fail to close tightly and cause overflow.

③ The fixed ring of the injection molding machine is severely worn, the screw is too worn, the injection volume in the barrel is insufficient, and the cushion pad is too small, which may cause overflow. ④ Poor accuracy of the parting surface of the mold, deformation and warping of the movable template (such as the middle plate), foreign objects on the parting surface, and protruding sliding burrs around the mold base will all cause the injection mold to overflow. ⑤ The mold design is unreasonable. If the opening position of the mold cavity is offset too much, the one-way tension of the mold will be too large during the injection process, resulting in flash.

The above are some of the factors that lead to the overflow of injection molds. I hope the summary of the editor will be helpful to you! .

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