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Power Adapter Plug Mold Design


Author: MULAN –Plastic Molding Manufacturer

The main design difficulty of the power adapter plug mold lies in the injection molding of the insert. This article mainly introduces the installation form and precautions of the insert in the power adapter plug mold. 1) Analysis of the power adapter plug The internal temperature of the power adapter is high when it is in use, and the plastic will gradually age under long-term high-temperature environment. Therefore, the material of the power adapter plug needs to be made of anti-aging materials. Generally, PC raw material is selected as the injection molding material of the plug.

In addition, the production batch of the plug is very large, which requires a large number of cavities in the power adapter plug mold to make the injection molding economical. After analyzing the product, the power adapter plug mold adopts a structure of 12 mold cavities, and the outer surface of the plug has fire patterns similar to etched lines. Since the appearance parts have relatively high requirements on the surface, the surface is not allowed to appear on the surface. Traces, and defects such as gas marks, weld marks, silver wires, and burnt. 2) Design points of the power adapter plug mold 1. The raw material is PC, and the appropriate shrinkage rate is selected. 2. The power adapter plug mold adopts 1 out of 12, two rows of rows, the side of the large nozzle is glued, and the mold structure is relatively compact.

3. The mold base adopts Long Kee CI3045 standard mold base, and the pre-hardened steel NAK80 is used as the cavity core material. 4. The mouth of the copper needle of the cylinder needle needs to be designed with a rounded corner of R0.1, so as not to damage and scratch the electroplating layer of the copper electrode. 5. The power adapter plug mold has 36 cylinders, and the guidance of the cylinders needs to be highly reliable, so the mold is designed with Zhongtou.

6. The power adapter plug mold has 36 copper electrodes that need to be inserted into the cylinder pins of the rear mold of the mold before injection molding. The size of the inner hole of the cylinder pins inserted into the copper electrodes is slightly larger than that of the copper electrodes, which will cause the copper electrodes to shake when the mold is closed Even if it is skewed, the gap is too small and it will make it difficult to insert the copper electrode, which will prolong the injection molding time and affect the injection molding cycle.

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