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What is the main reason for the strain of the metal drawing die?


Author: MULAN -Plastic Molding Manufacturer

As one of the main stamping processes, metal mold stretch forming is widely used. The stretching process of the metal stretching die can be used to make various cylindrical, rectangular, stepped, spherical, conical, parabolic and other irregularly shaped thin-walled parts. However, some consumers have reported that the hardware stretching die will be strained. What is the reason for this? There are two main reasons for the strain of the metal drawing die during the formation of the workpiece. Today, the mold processing manufacturer will introduce it to you! One is that due to the macroscopic mechanical unevenness of the surface of the convex and concave dies of the metal drawing die or the inclusion of other hard particles between the formed material and the surface of the convex and concave dies of the metal drawing die, it will be on the surface of the workpiece or the convex and concave parts of the metal drawing die. Mechanical wear is formed on the surface of the concave die. The solution is to carefully grind the surface of the convex and concave dies of the metal drawing die, and strengthen the management of the production environment.

The second is the strain caused by the adhesion and wear between the surface of the metal mold workpiece and the surface of the mold convex and concave molds. It is also the most common situation in production and is not easy to solve. The basic principle of reducing adhesive wear is to change the nature of the contact pair as a starting point. Adding a layer of film such as PVC between the metal drawing die and the forming material can sometimes solve the problem of workpiece strain. For the production line, the continuous supply of film can be achieved through the mechanism. For the stamping equipment of periodic production, a film needs to be added for each workpiece produced, which affects the production efficiency, but the method is generally costly and produces a lot of waste. For small It is desirable to adopt this method for the production of large batches of workpieces.

The above are the two main reasons for the strain of the metal stretching abrasive. In the process of mold strain forming, different measures can be taken according to different stretching reasons to reduce the wear of the workpiece.

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