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Injection mold factory carries out the elimination plan of the rust fault after the injection molding process is completed


Author: MULAN -Plastic Molding Manufacturer

Rust mold is known to cause quality problems throughout plastic parts. Plastic molds are mainly made of tool steel. At work, corrosive gases, water and other substances that cause rust are encountered, so this problem is ruled out.

Today, the injection mold factory has compiled a plan for troubleshooting the rust after the injection mold is processed. Let's take a look! (1) Gas produced by melting and decomposition. Some materials produce volatile gases when heated. These gases are corrosive and will corrode the mold. Therefore, when the equipment stops working, use a soft cloth to clean the mold and close the mold.

If it is not used for a long time, please spray the anti-rust agent in the cavity, and apply butter on the gate when closing the mold. (2) Cooling water in the mold. Cooling water is usually used in the mold for cooling, so there is more moisture around the molding equipment.

If the mold cools below the dew point, the moisture in the air will form water droplets on the surface of the mold. If it is not wiped off in time, it is easy to rust. Especially after the mold stops working, condensate will be produced very quickly.

Therefore, when molding is stopped, the cooling water is also turned off and the mold is dried. (3) Cemented carbide produced during molding. After the mold runs for a long time, the molding material precipitates and decomposes to form carbides, which often cause the mold to wear, corrode or rust.

In this regard, if carbide formation is observed, it should be removed immediately.

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