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Reasons and solutions for dents in plastic molds


Author: MULAN -Plastic Molding Manufacturer

Why do plastic molds have dents? The following editor from Shanghai Plastic Mold Factory Xingye will introduce the reasons and solutions for dents in plastic molds: 1. Reasons for dents in plastic molds 1. The thickness of each part of the product is different. 2. Insufficient pressure inside the mold. 3. Insufficient mold cooling.

4. Deformation caused by insufficient cooling time. 2. Knowledge about plastic molds 1. In the process of producing products, dents occur frequently in discomfort. The plastic injected into the mold will shrink in volume when it cools, that is, the surface will harden first, and air bubbles will form inside.

The so-called dent means that the slow cooling part produces a conspicuous concave surface in the direction of bubble shrinkage. 2. Shrinkage materials are also prone to dents. The setting conditions should be set in the direction of reduction.

That is to say, the mold temperature and barrel temperature decrease, and the injection pressure increases, but attention should be paid to the possibility of residual internal stress. 3. Since the dents should be inconspicuous, if it does not affect the appearance, it is intentional to process the mold into a corrosive mold, such as grainy, granular, etc. In addition, if the molding material is HIPS, it is also useful to reduce the finish by reducing the mold temperature.

But once these methods have dents, it is very difficult to repair the polished product. 3. The solution to plastic mold dents. 1. Immediately: Increase the injection pressure, prolong the injection holding time, reduce the barrel temperature and mold temperature, and force cooling at the dent.

2. Short-term: Make up where there is a dent (Figure A). When there is a narrow part of the material pass edge at the indentation, make this part of the edge thicker (figure B). 3. Long-term: The difference in the thickness of the design product should be avoided.

Ribs that are prone to dents should be as short as possible. For more information about plastic molds, please visit Xingye's official website:

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